What Are The Advantages Of A Bio Ethanol Fireplace?

A sense of warmth and a comfort in the long nights of winter – but is that what a fire is. Many people would say no. A roaring fire, or one that has fallen into a bank of coals is much more than simply warmth. It is a conversation piece and a focus of attention that allows family and friends to gather in comfort and enjoy each other’s company.

There’s a certain comfort to having a fireplace in the house – it provides that warmth and a focal point for friends and family to gather around – however it’s not by any means a stress free experience for the person who has to set up and light the fire – not to mention those who have to clean up afterwards.

So if you don’t want that mess, that ask and the smell that lingers on the furnishings when you use either wood or coal – and you don’t want to be visiting the store for coal or wood, what do you do?


Fortunately there is a solution – bio ethanol fireplaces.

Now traditionalists may say that bio ethanol fireplaces just aren’t the same as the fireplaces that have been part and parcel of homes for generations – and they would be absolutely right.

Firstly traditional fireplaces are messy – there is no one who can argue that point. And they’re not only messy but they also involve a lot of effort to get going, maintain and then clear up afterwards when they have been extinguished.

Storing wood and charcoal is a messy business and transporting the material used to make a traditional fire is a pain. It leaves a mess everywhere you go. The time and effort to get that fire going and to clean up afterwards is also not the most pleasant business.

this is why many households are opting for bio ethanol fires. They’re clean and the floor standing units are portable which means that you can enjoy the ambiance of that warming and comforting fire whether you are indoors or out. There is no chimney required so you can have a fireplace wherever you want and do not have to undergo the inconvenience of remodeling your entire house to fir that chimney.

In fact the average home owner, even without even basic DIY skills can have a bio ethanol fireplace installed and running in only hours – ready for the entire family to enjoy.

And there’s the safety aspect to consider as well. Bio ethanol fireplaces to not give off the fumes that traditional fireplaces do – they do not pose a risk as far as uncontrolled fires are concerned and they certainly will not ruin curtains and other fabric material.

It is far easier to have a bio ethanol fireplace in the home than it is to have a traditional fireplace. Not only is it easier – but it is more practical and friendlier to the environment. These are fireplaces that every homeowner should consider.

Why Electric Fireplaces Trump Traditional Wood Burning Options

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For centuries, the fire place has been one of the most important features of any home, in both a social and utilitarian sense. Before the advent of central heating, many different houses relied on fireplaces to warm their respective rooms. Because they acted as a bastion of light and warmth, they were treated as social gathering places. Many a cherished family memory took place in front of a roaring fireplace, whether it was relaxing after a hearty Christmas meal, or warming your toes after a day of playing outside in the snow.

While fireplaces are just as enjoyable and beautiful now as they ever were, they have seen a dramatic dip in popularity. A large part of this has to do with upkeep: the reality is that in the modern day, most people just don’t have the time to buy wood, chop it, and stoke a fire. True also is the fact that many homes are no longer designed to accommodate fireplaces, and having a chimney put in can be a majorly expensive renovation.

Fortunately, modern technology has also provided consumers with a method of enjoying a fireplace without all of the associated hassles. Electric fireplaces make owning and using a fireplace cheaper and easier than ever. They provide all of the utility and beauty of a traditional fireplace, with many more perks.

The best thing about electric fireplaces is that they exemplify ease of use. The fireplace produces warmth and a lovely display so long as they are plugged into a wall socket, making an electric fireplace the easiest fire that you’ll ever make. Because they don’t require wood for operation, there’s no need to chop lumber, making them friendlier to the environment.

In essence, an electric fireplace embodies all the charm of a traditional fireplace, with a lot fewer problems. This makes them a valuable addition to any home.

Bio Gel Fireplace Benefits and Drawbacks

Bio Ethanol Fireplaces

It is an affordable way for anyone to add warmth and sophistication to any room of the home. Bio gel fireplace products come in many sizes and finishes. They never need to be installed with vents as they function exclusively with the help of a specially formulated eco-friendly fuel.

These fireplaces offer the benefits of being both affordable and luxurious at the same time. In addition, they are easy to install without the need for being connected to the gas or electric sources in your home.

They can easily hang on a wall and offer no ash, no odor, and no smoke while they burn. A bio gel fireplace burns a special fuel that is made specifically for these eco-friendly types of fireplaces. These fuels do not pollute the air.

One of the only drawbacks is that you have to make sure that you always buy the specific fuel type for your fireplace. If you burn a different kind of fuel than the gel it could damage the fireplace or it could cause harm to you or someone else.

Fortunately, finding the right gel fuel is not that difficult. There are several high-quality sources from which to buy this fuel online. You can find the exact fuel you need for your fireplace and even buy the fuel in bulk. You can have plenty of fuel to burn for hours of fireplace pleasure at any time of year, and save money on the purchase of that fuel.

Add the warmth and focal point you want to your dining room, living room or bedroom. When you choose your fireplace, you can easily install it yourself using the hardware included with your purchase. When you choose a bio gel unit, you are also making an environmentally friendly choice.

Bio Ethanol Fireplaces – The Pros And Cons

There is no denying that owning a bio ethanol fireplace can be a fantastic addition to your home. But before you part with your hard-earned cash, it’s wise to be well informed of the pros and cons associated with owning one. In this guide, we’re going to reveal the main pros and cons you’ll face if you decide to purchase one of these bioethanol fireplaces, so let’s explore further.

The Pros

One of the key advantages to owning a bioethanol fireplace is the fact that no chimney is required – which gives you an incredible amount of freedom when it comes to choosing where you would like to install your fireplace.

What’s more, these fireplaces can be incredibly mobile, so you can even take it with you when you move if you decide to. Of course, this is something that is impossible with a standard fireplace, so it’s nice to know that you won’t be out of pocket if you move.

Additionally, there are no dangerous fumes associated with bioethanol fireplaces, which means they’re very safe to use in your home. There’s also very little residue after the burning process, and you won’t find any ashes at all, simply a little water and carbon dioxide.

The Cons

While there are certainly many advantages to owning a bioethanol fireplace, there are a few drawbacks as well.

In general, these fireplaces are quite safe – but there have been cases of fires breaking out due to a fault. However, it cannot be stressed enough that this is usually due to faulty hardware based on an inferior model, so investing in a quality bio ethanol fireplace will usually steer you clear of this risk.

Another potential drawback is the fact that they produce very little heat – so they may not be adequate to heat your home in its entirety. In most cases, the heat will be roughly similar to a radiator.